28 januari 2015

EDMA workshop over Health Technology Assessment op 2 februari

Over de inhoud van de bijeenkomst meldt de uitnodiging; “This workshop is aimed at both presenting and sharing information between members on HTAN Strategy and its drive to imbricate regulation and HTA processes, to reflect together on the implications for IVD industry, such as the risk of increase hurdle to access (both in terms of increased investment required to obtain clinical data for CE Marking and increased lag time to reach the market) if HTA standards were in place, develop EDMA talking points and outreach plan.” Meer informatie over het programma vindt u hier.
U kunt deel nemen als uw bedrijf CAM-lid van EDMA is, of via Diagned. Neem in dat laatste geval graag even contact met ons op alvorens u zich inschrijft.