28 september 2015

European MedTech Forum 2015

Het programma is divers, met gezamenlijke sessies over technologie-ondersteunde zorg, de impact van digitale ontwikkelingen op de zorg en op de industrie. Ook de nieuwe ontwikkelingen op het gebied van regelgeving komen aan de orde.
Parallel sessies vinden plaats rond drie thema’s: Market Access, Regulatory & International en Strategy & Business. Twee sessies gaan apart over strategische topics voor IVD’s:
1. Let’s make diagnostic information shine! Tools to demonstrate and communicate value to payers and patients
(this workshop will present practical tools for demonstrating and communicating the value of diagnostic information to payers, and also specific tools to understand patient important outcomes related to diagnostic information. The payers and the patient perspective on the relevance of these tools and ways to improve communication will be shared with the participants to further highlight the applicability of the tools. The participants will share their experiences when communicating to payers.)
2. New IVD Regulation – The road ahead 
(where are the discussions after three full years of debates on the new IVD Regulations? A highlight of the critical pressure points for industry to help prepare for the upcoming changes.)
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