23 februari 2017

HTA bij medische hulpmiddelen


De titel van het supplement is: Assessment of Medical Devices: Challenges and Solutions, Results from the EU MedtecHTA Project was published in the latest supplement of Health Economics. Het onderzoek is gefinancierd door de European Union 7th Framework Programme  - Project MedtecHTA ‘Methods for HTA of Medical Devices: a European Perspective’.
Hieronder de lijst met artikelen, die hier te vinden zijn:
  • Challenges in the Assessment of Medical Devices: The MedtecHTA Project (pages 5–12)
  • Linking the Regulatory and Reimbursement Processes for Medical Devices: The Need for Integrated Assessments (pages 13–29)
  • Investigating Regional Variation of Cardiac Implantable Electrical Device Implant Rates in European Healthcare Systems: What Drives Differences? (pages 30–45)
  • A bias-adjusted evidence synthesis of RCT and observational data: the case of total hip relacement (pages 46–69)
  • Improving the Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Medical Devices (pages 70–92)
  • The Role of Learning in Health Technology Assessments: An Empirical Assessment of Endovascular Aneurysm Repairs in German Hospitals (pages 93–108)
  • Characterising Uncertainty in the Assessment of Medical Devices and Determining Future Research Needs (pages 109–123)
  • Adoption Decisions for Medical Devices in the Field of Cardiology: Results from a European Survey (pages 124–144)
  • Key Recommendations from the MedtecHTA Project (pages 145–152)